Save time, save money!
When you presort the mail your company is sending out, essentially you’re doing some of the work so that it costs the USPS less money to process and deliver your mail. That savings is passed on to you in the form of commercial postage prices. Presorting means grouping mail by ZIP Code. All of the pieces going to the same destination get grouped into the same bundle or tray.
If your company mails out first class mail on a regular basis, NH Print & Mail can save you money on postage. We provide presort co-mingling services to many
companies in New Hampshire, saving them thousands on
their postage costs.
At NH Print & Mail Services, we have a variety of
equipment to presort your mail so you can get
that lower rate.
Our services include: |
• Letter and flat MLOCR reader and sorter
• The only First Class Presort MLOCR in NH
• Discounts on first class postage for large in-house mail processors
• Daily pick up service
• Same day service
• Discounts on first class mail postage
• No contracts, no upfront costs